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Tarot  Healing  

 In dark days like these in the midst of a global pandemic; can bring out debilitating anxiety for even the least traumatized among us.  Tarot for Anxiety is a perfect gateway spread to take you from fear to empowerment and give you a taste of how tarot can work for you in real life.  Tarot can be a great tool to help you identify triggers in your own life and learn to be more receptive and reflective.  Tarot works with the laws of nature, especially those that concern the soul.  Instead of wandering in guesses, unsure beliefs, and assumptions; empower, energize, and clarify your spiritual life with Tarot.  I firmly believe that tarot is a tool for healing, a way to interrupt anxiety and gain a clearer perspective on universal information, reflection and agency. 


How could a collection of 78 cards even begin to encapsulate the human experience? 


Let Earth Essence Tarot show you, join this etheric journey; come to the cards in deep grief, overwhelmed by anxiety and fear.  This relationship with Tarot is available to us all; Earth is here for you.  This is what divinity wants: for each person to become self-reliant, self-developed, independent, and awakened.  Satisfaction comes from Tarot; a word of a coming good fortune, a warning of possible unfavourable events, kind words of affirmation, and also advise in all areas of ones life.

Getting answers from the Universe is comforting especially in these trying times; many of us suffer from illnesses of the soul like post- traumatic syndrome (PTS), anxiety, depression, and phobias. These conditions break down your spirit and leave us feeling isolated and disconnection from the world.

© 2020 by Earth Essence Tarot 

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