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Code of Ethics Declaration of Principles


I always strive for quality in readings and all metaphysical

and spiritual work.

I will not knowingly for

anyone under the age of

18 yrs old, except in

exceptional circumstances.

I will never offer medical

advice for which I am not qualified.

I will always keep my client's information and reading confidential.

I do not counsel that

someone is about to die

or has a terminal disease

even if I feel serious illness

may be present.

I promise to work

conscientiously for the

highest and best good of my clients.

I treat all persons equally without prejudice or discrimination because of sex, race, ethnic background,

color, religious affiliation, or sexual preference.

I set reasonable fees with no hidden costs or surprise fees. 

I am not claiming 100%

accuracy, because no one has

or is meant to have all the answers all the time. 


I advise my clients that I am

not a licensed therapist, psychiatrist, or

medical doctor and therefore

do not give diagnosis or psychological counseling.

In cases where I feel

I cannot psychically serve

the client, I advise them

honestly and refund their

money in full within 24hrs. 

© 2020 by Earth Essence Tarot 

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