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About Tarot

Most people think Tarot cards were originally invented for the purpose of bringing people together; to engage in a light hearted luck of the draw. Actually Tarot is an ancient, sacred method of acquiring information for spiritual insight. It is said that Thousands of years ago, the angel Metatron gave Moses the Hebrew letters and the Tarot, which were preserved among the highest secrets of the mystical traditions, and were completely unknown to the public. Since Tarot was not made by humanity, but has always existed in the superior worlds. One can get to know oneself with certainty.  

 Tarot brings more to people's lives then a social connection; nothing being a coincidence means a turn of a Tarot card brings clarity, advise, comfort, reassurance, gives a heads-up, inspires, offers a warning, instills confidence, points out options, helps explore spiritual beliefs, and explains complex situations.  No matter what a person is dealt, Tarot cards provides guidance, like a personal spiritual blue print.   

Join Earth in the exploration of the essence of intuition, and exchange good energy with the Universe.  Book your personal Tarot card reading today.  

© 2020 by Earth Essence Tarot 

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